About Us
..my world of art..
Welcome to my world of art. After spending the last ten years drawing and designing toys, I am back to airbrushing, illustrating and designing tees. I first came up in the T-shirt business back in 91 as Gonzales Graphics. We started in the swap meets, liquor stores and mercados, and eventually worked our way into the Hot Topics and Urban Outfitters of the world. Before us there were no other Chicano style urban and lowrider tees out there. I left the tee business back in 98 to focus on my rapidly growing Homies Empire. It’s been a nice ride with the Homies toys, but now I’m back into the tees under a new brand name called DGA, DavidGonzalesArt. It will be my primary focus as my representatives in Hollywood continue to work on my dream of producing an animated Homies TV show.
..creative design..
I look around and see the bar has been raised, with so many incredibly talented urban artists out there in my genre. I like to think I had some influence on their work, as I in turn was influenced by such artists of my time as Teen Angel, Mike Pickel, and David Mann. I don’t look at the newer level of talent as intimidating, but as a world of design waiting to have me retake my throne as the true veterano of the industry. With fulfillment distribution and marketing coming from our SoCal, warehouse, and creative design coming out of NorCal studio, we will truly be representing Cali to the fullest. I feel I have so many new ideas to illustrate, and so many new visions to share. I plan to re-establish myself with you my core fans, and to convince you, my new fans, of exactly who I am am in this industry.
Thanks for being down with my work and allowing me to make a living doing what I love,…from your “Homie Artist”, David Gonzales.